Help us spread the word and earn

with our business English courses

What I Do

It's All About One Thing:

Reducing Anxiety and stress when business people are called upon to communicate in English

I Help by improving the quality of communication

Relationships can be one of the strongest triggers of happiness and the reduction of stress. Good relationships provide support and help us keeping our spirits high.

On the other hand, relationships could become stressful and toxic, causing anxiety.

The most important part of what makes a relationship into a happy and free or a stressful and anxiety-filled one is the quality of the communication – whether oral or written.  

How Does It Work

We'll Just Go Through These 4 Easy ways

The 1st course, Intermediate Business English B1-B2 has been listed with ClickBank and you can spread the word through your ClickBank account. The other courses 2 – 4 can be promoted through our website. Once they are ready for submission to ClickBank they will also be listed there. Other courses will follow.


Helping you with everyday business communication, writing professional e-mails, preparing for successful interviews, phone calls, giving presentations, and much more – making it easier and less stressful to communicate.


A lot of decisions are made by email. Don’t annoy customers or peers with wrong spelling or punctuation! Write effective, clear, and structured emails to elicit the required action timeously. It is clear that with emails, you don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression


Partaking in meetings can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially if you’re not comfortable with the language used. Andy Molinsky said: “Meetings are a critical place to show your worth, build your reputation, and get your voice heard.”


Totally individualised tuition. You decide what you need to improve in the use of your English in the business environment. Whether you want to practise pronunciation, prepare for an interview, or improve talking to your colleagues, this can help you.

What is in it for you?

We are absolutely giving away 75% commissions and here’s why…

  • New Customer Acquisitions and building our subscriber base is vital to our business.
  • We know that the affiliate market is competitive with a ton of products to promote.
  • We know just how valuable our affiliates are in helping us continue to build our audience…

Promotional Material

Promotional Material is available here. You can use any material on our website and for the specific promotion of the courses.

Affiliates – Terms & Conditions
Affiliate Agreement

This agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into by and between Dirk J Le Roux (hereinafter “Business English Space“) and the Affiliate (together “Parties” or each individually as “Party”) effective as of the latest date set forth in the signature block below (the “Effective Date”).

1. Background

1.1 The Affiliate is an individual or business entity that owns and operates an online internet presence using a platform such as a blog, webpage, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, etc. (all of the Affiliate’s platforms are collectively referred to as “Affiliate Website”). The Affiliate uses its Affiliate Website, in whole or in part, to promote the brands, products, or services of third parties in exchange for remuneration.

1.2 Business English Space seeks to expand its brand, product, and service awareness and obtain customers through placing Business English Space branded advertising (e.g. advertisements, links, etc.) on the Affiliate Website.

2. Enrolment and Advertising

2.1 The Affiliate agrees to provide to Business English Space the location of each website in the Affiliate Website that which the Affiliate desires to promote products and services of Business English Space. The Affiliate agrees that any information provided to Business English Space will always be accurate, correct, and up to date and not used for any illegal or unauthorized purpose.

2.2 The Affiliate agrees that it will not bid on any of Business English Space trademarked terms including any variations or misspellings thereof for search or content-based campaigns on Google, MSN, Yahoo, Facebook, Microsoft, or any other network. Likewise, the Affiliate agrees that it will not engage in any URL hijacking, competitive brand bidding, unauthorized link cloaking, or another fraudulent brand bidding.

2.3 The Affiliate agrees that it will not advertise coupon codes obtained from any non-affiliate marketing channel, including coupon codes from Business English Space email, paid search, or any other non-affiliate advertising campaigns.

3. Term and Cancellation

3.1 The term of this Agreement shall be exactly one (1) year from the Effective Date. At the end of this term, this Agreement will automatically renew on a month-to-month basis unless cancelled by either party in accordance with Paragraph 3.2

3.2 Either Party may cancel this Agreement for any reason by providing 48 hours written notice to the other party (expiration of this time is the “Cancellation Date”). Unless otherwise set forth in this Agreement, Business English Space shall pay any validated and pending Commission (as defined below) owed to the Affiliate through the Cancellation Date.

3.3 The Affiliate’s failure to comply with any term of this Agreement shall be a breach of this Agreement, granting Business English Space the immediate right to cancel this Agreement without notice or right to cure, in Business English Space’s sole discretion. The date of the breach will be the “Breach Date”. The Affiliate shall have no right whatsoever to any Commission that occurred after the Breach Date.

4. Promotional Materials

4.1 Business English Space shall make available to the Affiliate certain banner advertisements, button links, text links, and/or other graphic or textual material for display and use on the Affiliate Website (collectively the “Promotional Materials”). The Affiliate shall display the Promotional Materials on the Affiliate Website prominently and as the Affiliate sees fit, provided that the manner of display shall be subject to the terms, conditions and specifications of this Agreement. Business English Space may, from time to time, change the Promotional Materials, in its sole discretion, and Affiliate must update the same according to any changes by Business English Space within a reasonable time.

4.2 The Affiliate’s use and display of the Promotional Materials on the Affiliate Website shall conform to the following terms, conditions and specifications:

4.2.1 The Affiliate may not use any graphic, textual or other materials to promote Business English Space products or services other than the Promotional Materials provided by Business English Space, unless Business English Space approved such other materials in writing prior to their display.

4.2.2 The Affiliate may only use the Promotional Materials for the purpose of promotion of Business English Space products and services.

4.2.3 The Affiliate will not alter, add to, subtract from, or otherwise modify the Promotional Materials provided by Business English Space. If the Affiliate wishes to alter or modify the Promotional Materials, the Affiliate must obtain prior written consent from Business English Space for such alteration or modification.

4.2.4 The Promotional Materials will be used to link only to the specific web site page specified by Business English Space.

4.3 Business English Space reserves the right to change its policies and procedures, pricing structure, add or cancel any special offers, discontinue products or services, or change the terms under which products or services are offered at any time, without any advanced notice to the the Affiliate or customers purchasing through the Affiliate’s Link (defined below).

5. Limited License to Use Business English Space Intellectual Property

5.1 As of the Effective Date, Business English Space grants the Affiliate a revocable, non-exclusive, non-sublicenseable, royalty-free license to use the Promotional Materials provided by Business English Space during the term of this Agreement.

5.2 The Affiliate may only display the Promotional Materials on the Affiliate Website, and for the sole purpose of promoting Business English Space products and services.

5.3 The Affiliate shall have no right or license to use any of Business Englisg Space intellectual property or proprietary material other than the Promotional Materials.

5.4 The Affiliate is prohibited from distributing, reproducing, modifying, amending, or creating derivative works of the Promotional Materials.

5.5 Any license or right to use Business English Space intellectual property ends immediately on the Cancellation Date or Breach Date, whichever occurs first.

5.6 The Affiliate shall immediately cease any use of the Promotional Materials or any other marketing materials related to Business English Space upon the Cancellation Date or Breach Date, whichever occurs first.

6. Commission and Payment

6.1 The Affiliate will be paid an agreed fee (“Commission”), for each completed Action (as defined below) that is not cancelled, returned or refunded. An “Action” means a customer’s purchase of a Business Englsh Space course or service on the Business English website or registering on Business English website, using the unique affiliate link assigned to the Affiliate (“Link”) within thirty (30) days of the last use of the Link, and that has been tracked and validated by Business English Space.

6.2 Business English Space will validate all Commissions for the Affiliate, which is necessary prior to payment of any Commission. This will usually take place monthly, and occur on the 20th day of each calendar month for purchases completed during the previous month. Business English Space own methods, processes, and procedures for validation are the sole way to validate Commissions, and shall be final.

6.3 Commissions will be paid to the Affiliate on a monthly basis. Commissions will be reduced for any Actions that are cancelled, returned, or where payment is otherwise refunded to the purchaser.

6.5 Payment to the Affiliate will only be made after the Affiliate’s submission of a proper invoice to Business English Space. The Affiliate will be paid within thirty (30) days of Business English Space receipt of such proper invoice which shall state the correct amount of the Commission, include the name of the Affiliate, list the tax identification number of the Affiliate (if any), and contain all necessary payment information for the Affiliate (including the Affiliate’s banking information, if not already provided).

7. The Affiliate’s Duties

7.1 The Affiliate is solely responsible for the development, maintenance and operation of the Affiliate’s website and for placing Links on the Affiliate’s website in compliance with the terms of this Agreement.

7.2 The Affiliate is responsible for complying with all laws, including but not limited to disclosing that any Link or other advertising provided on its website or marketed to potential customers are affiliated links and the Affiliate may receive a commission.

7.3 The Affiliate is responsible for all materials that appear on the Affiliate’s website and for ensuring that such items do not infringe upon the rights of any third party including, but not limited to, copyright, trademark, privacy or other intellectual or proprietary rights.

8. Warranties

8.1 Business English Space Warranties: Business English Space represents, warrants and covenants that it has full authority to enter into this Agreement and has or will obtain, during all times relevant hereunder, all of the necessary consents, rights, licenses, clearances, releases or other permissions to lawfully provide the Promotional Materials to the Affiliate.

8.2 The Affiliate’s Warranties: The Affiliate represents, warrants and covenants that (i) it has full authority to enter into this Agreement and has or will obtain, during all times relevant hereunder, all of the necessary consents, rights, licenses, clearances, releases or other permissions to lawfully consummate the transactions and lawfully discharge, in all material respects, each and every of the Affiliate’s obligations or duties set forth hereunder, whether performance is due now or hereafter, (ii) its website(s) do not and will not contain any materials that are illegal and are not operated for any illegal purpose or in an illegal manner, and (iii) it will comply with all laws and regulations applicable to it, including all disclosure requirements.


9. Limitation of Liability

9.1 Business English Space shall only be liable in accordance with the applicable law in case of (i) intent, (ii) gross negligence, (iii) loss of life, bodily injury or damage to health as well as (iv) in case of claims based on the German Product Liability Act (Produkthaftungsgesetz). In all other cases, Business English Space will only be liable if it has infringed fundamental contractual obligations (wesentliche Vertragspflichten). Fundamental contractual obligations are duties which must be complied with in order to ensure the proper performance of this contract and upon the performance of which the Affiliate relied or could be reasonably expected to rely on. In this event, the liability shall however be limited to the foreseeable, typical damage.

10. Indemnification

10.1 The Affiliate agrees to indemnify, defend and holds harmless Business English Space, its officers, directors, employees, contractors, affiliates, agents, successors and assigns from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, threats, demands, settlements, (including all costs and attorneys’ fees related thereto), whether or not involving a third party claim, arising out of or relating to (i) the Affiliate’s use of the Promotional Materials or other intellectual property of Business English Space, (ii) any allegations that any of the Affiliate trademarks and other intellectual property and proprietary material infringe upon the rights of any third party, (iii) any breach or alleged breach by the Affiliate of any term, covenants, condition, representation or warranty contained in this Agreement or the Affiliate’s promotion of Business English Space, or (iv) any claim related directly or indirectly to the Affiliate’s use, operation or the content of the Affiliate’s website.

11. Miscellaneous Provisions

11.1 This Agreement, together with any appendices hereto, states the entire agreement between the Parties regarding its subject matter and supersedes and terminates any prior oral or written proposals, agreements or other communications between the Parties regarding the subject matter. Amendments or supplements to this agreement shall only be binding if made in written form.

11.2 All Agreements between the Parties shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Germany, and the Parties submit unconditionally to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Berlin, Germany.

11.3 Business English Space and the Affiliate shall perform their obligations hereunder as independent contractors. Nothing herein is intended to, or shall be construed to create a partnership, agency, joint venture, employment or similar relationship between the Parties. Neither Party has any right or ability to bind or enter into any obligation on behalf of the other. Each Party shall bear its own costs and expenses of its performance of its obligations under this Agreement.

11.4 Should any provision of this Agreement be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The invalid provision shall be replaced with a valid provision that comes closest to the purpose and objective of the invalid provision.

11.5 Unless otherwise expressly stated, all amounts stated in this Agreement and any attachments are in Euros (€) and exclude taxes.

11.6 “Written” or “written form” means that it be in a written, textual form, signed by the corresponding party, which can be sent via mail, fax or e-mail (scanned).

11.7 This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts and by way of electronic signature, each of which when executed and delivered electronically in PDF format or in hardcopy shall be deemed an original, but all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same document. Counterpart signature pages may be delivered and exchanged by email or other means of electronic transmission.

Get Rid Of Stress And Anxiety When Communicating In Business Situations

Very often, when someone is required to communicate in a language that is not their mother tongue, they are stressed and unsure of themselves. This course is specifically designed to give you the tools to make it easier to talk or write, to actually hear or read the true message of the communicator. It put you at ease and help you connecting with your customer, partner or employee in a relaxed and trustful atmosphere.

Speaking up in meetings, or other business situations, can sometimes cause a paralysing fear of being judged or humiliated by others, leaving one feeling ashamed and alone.

Often, others would look at people who exhibit stress and anxiety in communication to be less trustworthy, less competent, less socially and physically attractive, tenser, less composed and less dominant than their more fluent and confident counterparts.  

Negative emotions include embarrassment, performance anxiety, guilt, distress and anxiety in general. Perceptions such as lack of performance, loosing face and identity conflicts can surface with sometimes debilitating effect.  Read more.

"For the individual, experiencing anxiety about using the foreign language can cause stress, sleep loss, and feelings of helplessness, according to the study. Even proficient English users reported lack of confidence, feeling inhibited and restricted, and the inability to ‘be themselves’ as a direct result of using English non-natively. Employees had a low perception of their professional ability, with consequences for their engagement at work and an increased sense of status loss and job insecurity. The unfortunate result is that relationships between colleagues are damaged and collaboration is impeded. Because using English was connected to such negative feelings, the authors found that employees withdrew from discussions in English and tried to avoid them where possible. This, of course, bears serious risks for an organisation as a whole: it means that the employees concerned are less likely to share their ideas or viewpoints, reducing the innovative power of a team."